Does Lash Extension Hurt or Harm Your Real Lashes?

- Mar 14, 2020 -

There is an assumption that lash extensions ruin your own eyelashes. But actually, they don't. If they are applied effectively and properly, they are secured and don't destroy the prosperity of your own natural eyelashes.


Ensure that you don't pull the extensions or rub your eyes since this can cause the problem and even harm your normal lashes. If they are attached properly and to each individual lash, they won't drop out.

In the beginning, it will be better not to try at home. So, search for somebody who is a specialist right in this. Specialists use capable things and have been properly arranged to apply the lashes without hurting your normal lashes or even more importantly, your eyes. This is the best to avoid any sort of risk.

Another thing, if you want to apply mascara on your lash extensions, you should be very careful in this. Simply use it on the tips of the extensions and with a light hand. Utilizing mascara at the base of the extensions will get extremely clumpy.

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