Tips to identify good quality eyelashes

- Jan 18, 2020 -

The market nowadays offers several types of eyelashes with different prices, lengths, and materials. Choosing good quality eyelashes will impact on your expected results when you wear your artificial eyelashes.

1. 3D effect

For a more natural view, you must focus on the 3D effect view.  You can hold the eyelashes and put them on a horizontal angle and notice that there are different levels on the hair.


2.  Soft and flexible eyeliner

For better comfort and a more natural appearance, a soft eyeliner and its quality are important facts. You can test it by holding the eyelashes from one side and try to move the eyeliner from the other side, the most spontaneous that the movement is, the best it will be for wearing on your own eye with comfort.


3.  Material

100% mink eyelashes differ on the price and appearance of the silk eyelashes. To verify it is 100% mink, it is easy to notice. Mink hairs over the eyeliner have all different lengths and seem more natural. The mink hair is soft and can move easily when you touch it, just as our natural eyelashes!


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